3d Prints and Waterslide Transfers for Tram Modellers

Size and scale information

The majority of 3d prints and transfers we offer are originally produced for 00 scale (1:76, or 4mm/ft), with some also already available in N or 0. However the techniques used for producing the artwork lends itself in some cases to rescaling up or down, so we can produce some of them to any scale from N to 0 (even G for some transfers). N gauge prints/transfers are generally British n gauge (1:148), but 'typhoo' (approx 1:133) is also available to match the Lesney models made popular by the Typhoo copies. Other possible scales are N(USA/1:160),N(2mm/1:152),N(UK/1:148),TT(3mm/1:101),TT(USA/1:120),H0(3.5mm/1:87),00(4mm/1:76),S(1:64),0(US/1:48),0(7mm/1:43.5).

If you want a model/transfers in a scale not shown, please get in touch.